
The Unicorn of Map Projections is one of 24 articles in special issue of International Journal of Cartography

Second issue of International Journal of Cartography is available online. Special issue’s subtitle is “Cartographers write about Cartography”.

Contents of International Journal of Cartography 2/2021

  • Editorial: Cartographers Write About Cartography by William Cartwright, Anne Ruas and Kenneth Field
  • The Heart of the Grand Canyon by Tom Patterson
  • OCTOPUS MAPPING one of the MADMAPS: NATO Octopus, control over the weapons’ sales by Christine Zanin and Nicolas Lambert
  • The Mediterranean Basin Map Designed by Michel Morel by Anne Ruas
  • Peeling back the layers of a school wall map: Brunhes-Deffontaines “France Forestière” by Nicholas Chrisman
  • The Unicorn of Map Projections by Sarah Battersby
  • Reinhard Maack and the Brandberg (Namibia) by Imre Demhardt
  • Linear and Painterly Expression in Topographic Works of Art during the Enlightenment by Beata Medyńska-Gulij
  • Unveiling Southern Africa: John Barrow’s Map of 1801 by Elri Liebenburg
  • Reorienting the Narrative: Chapin Jr.’s “Red China” Map by Ian Muehlenhaus
  • The Geologic Map of the Cassini Quadrangle on the Moon: Planetary Cartography Between Science, Efficacy and Cartographic Aesthetics by Andrea Naß and Stephan van Gasselt
  • Revealing the value of geospatial information with isochrone maps for improving the management of heart attacks in South Africa by Serena Coetzee, Lourens Snyman and Rhena Delport
  • Map as biography: maps, memory, and landscape – thoughts on Ordnance Survey map, Sheet TR04, 1:25,000 Provisional Edition, Ashford. by Peter Vujakovic
  • Interactive Videodiscs: Beginnings of Multimedia and Catalyst for Multimedia Cartography by William Cartwright
  • The best map ever? by Menno-Jan Kraak
  • Cartography Is Here. [full stop] by Igor Drecki
  • My first Atlas by Carla Cristina Reinaldo Gimenes de Sena
  • Graphical-statistical Atlas of Switzerland, 1914 by Thomas Schultz
  • Matthew Picton’s Urban Narratives. Or how a three-dimensional paper map can beam you into the London bombing nights of 1940 by Thomas Streifeneder and Barbara Piatti
  • Seeing the “perfect world” through Heinrich Berann’s Panorama Maps of the Alps by Georg Gartner
  • The Soviet Military 1:10,000 City Plan of Dover, UK (1974) by Alexander Kent
  • Reflections on the creation of cartographic expression through the representation of elevation by Takashi Morita
  • Separating fact from fiction: the mythology of cartographic icons by Kenneth Field
  • Measuring geodetic baselines in Spain during the 1850’s by Andrés Arístegui
  • MapQuest and the beginnings of Web Cartography by Michael Peterson

Some articles are free to download, other ones are available after subscription payment.

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