The report summarizes the outputs achieved in Challenge #2 of the Covid-19 INSPIRE Hackathon during the first part of the event.
- Number of registered participants: 11
- Challenge # 2 Shared Worskpace
- The final goals of the challenge:
- Main goal:
- To develop the advanced and much more practical version of Atlas of Regional Specialities and the e-shop and to think out the proper way to intertwine it finally and usefully to successfully promote both but especially the region itself.
- The challenge aims to eliminate the above-mentioned problem situations by supporting regional primary producers and primary food processors (farmers, fruit and vegetable growers, butchers, etc.), collecting information about their products and making this information and products available to end customers.
- Secondary goals
- To present midterm results in the events organized in the hackathon.
- To create an active group of co-workers (developers, testers, data providers, feedback providers, etc.).
- To implement a special set of functionalities for further innovation of the Atlas.
- To prepare a space for possible future steps on replication of such Atlas also for further regions with a special and similar local-regional specialities.
- To figure out and arrange the sustainability of the solution.
- To promote the H2020 project LIVERUR and vice versa as the background for the e-commerce side of the Atlas being developed in cooperation between 2 Czech partners (one technical, second one pilot): WRLS and UHLAVA.
- Main goal:
- Brainstorming session on Jamboard during the webinar (20/10/2020) via QR code:
Problem situations related to Covid-19, such as restrictions or temporary interruptions of work, quarantine, restrictions on the number of people in stores or restrictions on sales time, can lead to a change in shopping habits. The result can be an oversupply of households leading to unequal distribution, a temporary shortage of certain foods, and rising prices.
The challenge proposal aims to eliminate the above-mentioned problem situations by supporting regional primary producers and primary food processors (farmers, fruit and vegetable growers, butchers, etc.), collecting information about their products and making this information and products available to end customers.
One of the possible solutions is to connect regional information about farmers and their available products with various platforms for trading in these products (stone shop, e-shop, purchase from the yard). The Atlas of the Best Practices will be used as the basic technological platform, on the basis of which a pilot prototype of the Atlas of Regional Specialties will be created.