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The GeoBusiness

USGIF path to geospatial industry certification

The United States Geospatial Intelligence Foundation (USGIF) partnered with Gateway Global American Youth and Business Alliance Academies Inc. (AYBAA), an education management and workforce solutions provider in the St Louis region, to bring Entry to Executive, an industry certification program,…

Aerialod is free app for rendering height maps

Tools developer Ephtracy has Aerialod, a free interactive path tracing renderer for visualising height maps for use in game development or visual effects work. The software imports height maps in a range of standard formats and converts them into renderable…

What’s new in ArcGIS Earth

Steve Haynes from Esri has published an update about ArcGIS Earth on their company blog. ArcGIS Earth is an interactive 3D experience for users to plan, visualize, and evaluate events on the globe. ArcGIS Earth provides situational awareness of an…

Annual meeting of FIG Commission 7

Commission 7 of the International Federation of Sureyors conducted its annual meeting in an online format between the 20th and 22nd of October 2020. The theme of the conference was Building community resilience: Urban-rural land linkages and strategies to deal…

101 ways to participate in GIS Day

GIS Day is just one day, so choose wisely, e. g. three points from the following huge list of possible ways to participate in the celebration of geography. The following list was previously published at, maintained by Esri. 1.…

6 books about QGIS software

QGIS is the open source software, fully comparable to Esri ArcGIS as it is described in this document, founded by Tim Sutton. Anita Graser (@underdarkGIS) and Gretchen N. Peterson (@PetersonGIS) updated their book named QGIS Map Design for new QGIS…

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Dorchester Center, MA 02124